Sunday, May 10, 2009

Last Two Weeks of School!!

WOW!!  It is the final days of the year!!  I want to thank all of you for an amazing Teacher Appreciation Week!!  I really did feel the love and appreciation from the children and from the parents!! Thank you SO much!!  In the next two weeks, we will be doing some fun writing activities, finishing up unit 12 in math (we are working with 2-digit numbers with re-grouping and with 3-digit numbers), studying rocks, and if we have some time, we will be doing some fun art activities.  The last two weeks are always packed with fun things, but don't worry, we will be doing some of our regular learning activities too!!  Some of you had some questions about the media release form that I sent home about a week ago, I would like to explain what that is for.  I am involved in a state program for gifted education that is call "High Ability" and I have been doing some lessons in our classroom.   When I do some of the lessons, they like to have us video tape them and then go over the lesson with other teachers to figure out how the lesson went and how I can improve.  There are several teachers at Coral Cliffs involved in this program and it is an amazing opportunity for our class and for our school.  I also thought that it would be a good idea because I do take pictures of your children throughout the year at the various school activities and doing fun things at school to put on the blog.  By signing the paper, it gives me permission to use the video and the pictures of your children for school purposes and for the blog.  I promise that I will use these pictures in a professional manner and ONLY for school use.  I hope that this all makes sense.  If you have any more questions or concerns, please feel free to email me.  Thanks again for everything.  This year has been amazing and everything that I could wish for.  HAVE A FANTASTIC AND SAFE SUMMER!!

Saturday, May 2, 2009

Our Writing!

Just a little secret...

If you want to see the pictures better, just click on the picture collage and it will enlarge the pictures.  :)

Square Dance Assembly

Random pictures


I know that I am a little bit behind, but I'm trying to catch up!!