Wednesday, April 1, 2009

March 30-April 3

We finally have a normal week!! YAY!! Last week was a little crazy!! We had a short week and some vistors came to see how fantastic our school is!! There is a principal's group that comes down every year to see the wonderful things that our school is doing. They come from up north and only come to see our school, so it is an honor. I am really good friends with the man who was in charge who is now working for the state. He was my principal when I was in kindergarten and was my mother's principal for a lot of years while she was teaching. He said wonderful things about our school and about our class!!! He loved the essays and the art work that your children made and couldn't believe that second graders could produce that work. He was very impressed and had a wonderful time talking with your children. I am so impressed with the progress that these kids have made this year and the things that they have learned. I couldn't be a happier teacher!! Thanks for all of your hard work and support at home, it really makes a difference!! I also appreciate all of the gifts and kind notes that I got for my birthday!! You are all so sweet!! Thank you so much!! I also wanted to thank those that were involved in the suprise party!! That was so much fun and we all had a blast!! Thanks a bunch!!
This week we will be finishing up unit 10 on fractions, measuring, and time. We are also working on preparation for the end of level tests!! We will be working really hard to get ready for the BIG test this whole month!! WE FINISHED OUR ESSAYS!! THEY ARE IN THE HALLWAY BY THE OFFICE!! Please come and see what wonderful work that your child has done!! They also created some amazing artwork that is hung in the hallway!! We are also working on our program which is on APRIL 21st at 2:30!! I hope to see you all there!! If you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to contact me!!! Thanks again for all that you do!!

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